Visit us!

Visit Us

We would LOVE for you to visit us at Faith Baptist Church!

Faith is a warm and welcoming environment, where our main goal is for you to know the Lord Jesus Christ, and for YOU to be able to Experience the Love of Christ within the context of a loving church family.

We have classes available for all ages during our Sunday School time at 9:30am, so we encourage you to join us  with your entire family.

The atmosphere and dress at Faith is Casual, so please feel free to wear a suit and tie or a dress...

or if you're more comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans....

it makes NO difference to us! The important thing to us is that you simply COME!

Please click on any of the links below for more info on our times, location, staff, etc.

If you don't find the answers to any questions you might have here, then feel free to message us on our contact page. We look forward to meeting you in person!

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